Sunday, March 29, 2009

Salisbury Results

Congrats to Kimberley Inglis, Conor Quail and Zac Krebbekx on their wins in the Circuit today. Some great bowling all round with some high scores being thrown in all divisions. Congratulations must also go to Conor on a 290 game, his new personal best and obviously the High Game for the Circuit so far in 2009. Can someone throw another 300 in the Circuit this year? We will just have to wait to see!! Next event is on the 24 May at Woodville so maybe someone can throw one there??

Ranking Points will be updated in the next few days, but obviously everyone is in the position they finished today.

It was a great turnout today with 28 bowlers coming out to have a go and it appears that we may have more bowlers next event at Woodville. Could we break another record number of entrants?? The current record stands at 33 least get behind the Circuit and support one of the successful circuits running in this state over the past 6 years.

Thanks to everyone for showing up and being patient in the transition to online registrations, I feel from next event the advantages of this process will be fully realized.

Thanks and hope to see you all at Woodville on the 24th of May

Friday, March 13, 2009


Apple are doing it with the new MacBook and now SAJYC is getting on board with the 'Green' movement. In an attempt to do its bit for the environment the SAJYC Committee has introduced online registrations for the entire 2009 Calendar year. Powered by GoogleDocs I have made forms available on-line for everyone to fill out and submit, this will then be automatically collaborated and produce a spreadsheet which will be used for the days play. Registrations for the year will also be completed on-line.

To clear up any queries regarding this process you will still be able to bowl even if you have not registered prior to the event, as a registration booth will be available. No credit card payments can be taken through this online process, payment methods will remain the same.

The new registration process is as follows
1. Access the YEARLY REGISTRATION FORM through
2. Fill out as many details as you can, noting the required fields
3. Submit you Registration Form and then email with subject title REQUEST FOR SALISBURY REGISTRATION FORM
4. Please wait at least one working day and the URL for the Salisbury Event will be sent to you as well as your 2009 SAJYC Membership Number (it is required to complete each events registration form)
5. Complete the Salisbury Registration Form

There are expected to be some delays and problems within this process so all Members are asked to remain patient through-out this transition period. As far as I know this is the only tournament in the land that is utilising the Internet to complete registrations, so hence you will be contributing to make history!!!!

We thank you for your co-operation in this process and we hope that The Circuit will continue to grow into the future while contributing to the sustainability of our environment.